Mike Baird`s Amazing Paintings and Cartoons.

Michael is originally from England and now lives in Pattaya. ( Thailand ) Although many may not recognize his name,most will recognize his initials, M.J.B. as they appear on the cartoons about living or visiting Thailand that he draws for the Pattaya Mail.

Cartoonist Mike said he got his start at a young age as his Big Brother David did Drawings that he took to school and showed his classmates.His classmates liked them so much they wanted to buy them..So, Mike took them back home and drew copies , and bought them back to school to sell. 

Mike said he first got started using scraper-board,which he explained was using a solid ink on top of a white chalk board and then you scratch out the black ink to make a drawing ,,the white drawing stood out from the black background.Subsequently, he got into using paints, all of this was done as a hobby.

He got into it as a vocation when he went to work for a company that painted large outdoor advertising displays.

As time went on, he learned various techniques from other artists employed by the company. Early in his career,he traveled extensively as a touch up artist, Since the displays used oil paint and the panels often stuck together.When they were put up for display,they needed touching up to look perfect again.

At one point,he said his company became aware of a company in Barcelona,Spain,that was doing excellent displays using air brush. He was sent to Barcelona to look at how they were doing it and he bought that technique back to the U.K. for his company. He said it was hard to believe that one could do such quality work using an air brush. Some of his air brush works were sixty by fifteen foot displays.

Mike commented that he had always been impressed by the work of Norman Rockwell ( The American Artist ) and started copying his work. This led to a side career as a copyist; not only of works of Rockwell, but other famous artists as well, He said he became one of England`s top copy artists painting murals,portraits,landscapes,and masterpieces. He said he got into doing murals by happenstance. One day he was driving when a Rolls Royce flashed it`s lights at him. The man in the Rolls had seen an art sign mike had on the back of his car and asked if he could paint a mural onto wardrobes in his bedroom. Mikes mural was quite stunning when it was finished ( See below ).

However,Mike said that he did his first cartoon after retiring to Thailand, He said he was approached by a magazine publisher and asked to do some cartoons to add a bit of humor to his magazine.He started off in black and white, over time, he improved his drawings and started doing them in colour. These cartoons most often reflect life in Thailand - the humorous side of it. Mike said most of his inspirations came from just sitting watching what goes on around him.

Mike said that moving to Thailand was the best thing he ever did.

This is another New One - MOON GIRL - Painted in Oils on Canvas.

This is my Latest Painting in Oils on Canvas. 

This is my Latest Painting - The Original Painting was by Norman Rockwell and it was called "SUNSET'. My Niece and her Husband loved that Painting and asked me to copy it ( IN OILS on Canvas ) but to ADD their Dog "Jeffery" to the Painting - Which I did - and I added Both their names on the Seat. 

This is a Study by Norman Rockwell - I've always loved his work and this is my Version of his work - painted in Oils on Canvas. 

I found this Ai Picture on the internet and decided to Paint it in Oils - onto Canvas - It came out great...Very Pleased with it. 

On the LEFT is the Latest Painting of King Charles that cost 7 Million Pounds Painted by TEO - On the RIGHT is My Painting of Prince Charles I Painted 35 Years ago - That I sold for 4 Hundred Pounds. ( I should have charged MORE !! ) 

This is my Copy of THE SCOTS GREYS - Painted in Oils - 8x4 foot.

This is a Mural I painted in Oils onto a Wardrobe Door.

This is an Airbrush painting I did on P.V.C. - of Margo Hemingway for BABE Perfume.

This is a 60x15 Foot P.V.C. AIRBRUSH illuminated display I painted for 3 M`s in America years ago.

This is a Airbrush P.V.C. 6 Foot display - I painted.

My Copy of Norman Rockwell`s " The Boxer". ( in Oils )

This one makes a nice change - It was painted by a Singapore Artist in Watercolour - I painted it in Oils - 8 x5 Foot.

I painted this 10 x 5 foot Mural in my Mum`s Front Room - She went away for the weekend and I had it finished when she returned  home on the Sunday Evening. ( She was Shocked as she wasn't expecting it - she loved looking at it - every day )

This is another Mural I painted for my girlfriends sister Jane in Somerset - It`s still there on the Wall 40 years later.

My copy of " Rork`s Drift "8 x 4 in oils.

My Teacher was Harold Hitchcock - and this was one of his Paintings I copied in oils 6 x 3 Foot.

A nice study I copied in Oils.

This is a Norman Rockwell copy I did many many years ago - I gave it away to a Friend who did me a Great Favor.

This is a Painting I did in the Norman Rockwell style of Father Ray Brenon of the Pattaya Orphanage - It`s still hanging in the Dining Room for all the kids to see.

This is my FIRST Painting in Oils.

This is my Latest Copy of 'The Dance'...2022.

This is my updated Copy of Norman Rockwell`s painting 'The Joker' - in Different Colours.

Finally something different - to Pass the time in LOCK-DOWN - Very Simple but Eye Catching.

I could go on forever with tons of Paintings but I don't want to bore you.

Go to my SECOND PAGE and see my Life - I gave up Painting and took up Cartooning.

Many Many people thought I was MAD to pack it all in - but it was nice to do things out of my head - without copying.

The take a look at my Franchise Page and my Norman Rockwell collection.

I do enjoy making people LAUGH - and I do enjoy being a bit controversial...

Plus I enjoyed all those Old Seaside Postcards we all looked at many Years ago. and I wanted to keep it alive as I hate these P.C. People who are taking the FUN OUT OF LIFE.

My Friend Jenny had this caricature done of me - many many years ago...Brilliant.

Mike being interviewed by The Pattaya Mail`s Paul Straton at The Pattaya Orphanage giving a donation made from the sale of his Cartoon Books and Post Cards.

This is my NUMBER TWO - UNIQUE Cartoon T-Shirt.

Here is NUMBER THREE - Multi Cartooned T-Shirt.

Here is the Place to Buy Mike`s Stuff .

Here are a Few of My ( Copy ) Paintings I've done over the Years.